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Thursday, April 28, 2011

W - Weight Loss

Free Weight Loss programs

The race to fitness is on and a lot of people are jumping on  the band wagon.  Some people do it to achieve a sexy body, some people just do it because they are embarrassed with the body they have now, while others do it simply to remain fit and health y. As such, many fitness programs are out on the internet, in gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. 

One may not have to go to the gym or the spa or any fitness center and spend much just to slim down to obtain that longed for sexy body.  There are many books available in the bookstore which offer weight loss programs which are convenient and for free, of course the books are not though.  These weight loss programs, or diet plans are gaining immense popularity with so much publicity, testimonials and reviews that one may be confused which exactly to follow.  So before choosing which weight loss plan to follow, try reading these summaries about the most popular diet programs out today.

Atkins' New Diet Revolution by Dr. Atkins.  This weight loss program encourages a high protein diet and cutting back on the carbs.  One can feast on vegetables and meat but not on bread and pasta. One is also not restricted against fat intake so it is okay to pour in the salad dressing and freely spread on the butter. . Intake of grains and fruits are also limited.  I tried this diet many years ago and lost 35 pounds but it is a very unrealistic way of eating and it is possible to gain weight back once you start to eat carbs again.

Carbohydrate Addict's Diet by Drs. Heller.  This diet plan advocates low carbohyrate eating and is similar to Atkins.  You basically are eating meats, vegetables and fruits, dairy and grain products.  However, warns against taking in too many carbs.  "Reward" meal can be too high on fats and saturated fats.

Choose to Lose by Dr. Goor.  Restrains fat intake.  One is given a "fat" budget and he is given the liberty on how to spend it.  It does not pressure the individual to watch his carbohydrate intake.  Eating meat and poultry as well as low-fat dairy and seafoods is okay.  A go signal is also given on eating vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and pasta.  This weight loss plan is fairly healthy, good amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as saturated fats.  Watch triglyceride levels though; if high, trim down the carbohydrates and tuck in more of the unsaturated fats.

The DASH Diet.  Advocates moderate amounts of fat and protein intake and high on carbs.  Primarily designed to lower blood pressure, the diet plan follows the pyramid food guide and encourages high intake of whole wheat grains as well as fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy.  Some dieters think it advocates too much eating to procure significant weight loss.

Eat More, Weigh Less by Dr. Ornish.  Primarily vegetarian fare and strictly low-fat.  Gives the go signal on the "glow" foods but warns to watch it on non-fat dairy and egg whites. This diet is poor in calcium and retricts consumption of healthy foods like seafoods and lean poultry.

Eat Right for Your Type.  Interesting because it is based on the person's blood type and recommends plenty of meat for people with the blood type O.   Diet plans for some blood types are nutritionally imbalanced and too low in calories.  And for the record, there is even no proof that blood type affects dietary needs.

The Pritkin Principle.  Focused on trimming the calorie density in eating by suggesting watery foods that make one feel full.  Eating vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, pasta, soups, salads and low-fat dairy is okay. Although limits protein sources to lean meat, pseafood and poultry.  Although it is healthy by providing low amounts of saturated fats and rich amounts of vegetables and fruits, it is also low on calcium and limits lean protein sources.

Volumetrics.  For low-density calorie eating.  Recommends the same foodstuff as Pritkin but restricts fatty or dry foods like popcorn, pretzels and crackers.  This plan is reasonably healthy given the high amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as being low in calorie density and saturated fats.

The Zone.  Moderately low on the carbs yet moderately high on the proteins.  Encourages low-fat protein foods like fish and chicken plus veggies, fruits and grains.  It is also healthy but lacking in grains and calcium.

Weight Watchers.  High carbohydrates, moderate on fats and proteins.  A very healthy diet plan and very flexible too. it allows the dieter to plan his own meal rather than give him a set to follow.

The bottom line is that different diets work for different people and you should listen to your body and what it needs.

Monday, April 25, 2011

V- Viral Marketing

The Many Facets of Viral Marketing

In the beginning, e-mail was the one way that viral marketing was started.  Since that long ago day, viral marketing has gone from a marketing strategy to an art form and there are many ways to accomplish the objective of creating a successful viral marketing campaign. Seven of those ways are:

1.    E-mail: It was first but it is still around and still used.  It is, however, getting a little harder to use as more and more government restrictions are placed on it. Still… it does work.

2.    Newsletters: This is an extension of e-mail but it a very effective tool . If you include enough timely and valuable information, a good newsletter can drive up the number of visits to your website.

3.    Blogging: Providing the tools on your website to enable bloggers to interact with one another is a terrific way to get the message about your product of service out there and being talked about.  Bloggers have their ears to the ground for new products and services.

4.    Chat Rooms: A chat room on your website can and does encourage interaction among your customers and that can’t be a bad thing.  Also, you can use the chat room to schedule special events like having an expert available to answer questions on a given day at a given time.

5.    Tell-a-friend Script: If you add this with a statement saying that e-mail addresses supplied will never be shared with third parties, you can increase your potential customer list greatly.

6.    Video Clips: Including cool video clips on your website will keep the interest up and increase traffic.

7.    Flash Games: Although they are a little costly to start, they are an extremely effective tool to get your viral marketing campaign going.  Once they are launched, they require nothing more from you.

Friday, April 22, 2011

U - Unicorns

Unicorn comes from the latin words "unus" meaning one and "cornu" meaning horn.  The Unicorn is a mythical creature that looks like a white horse with a long, spiral horn coming out of its head.   The Greek physician and historian Ctesias believed the unicorn to be a native to India and described the horn to be around 18 inches long and colored in white, red and black.  The dust of the horn was thought to be an anti-toxin to poison.

Unicorns are white to represent purity. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

T - Traffic

How To Generate Traffic Using Only Free Methods

Putting up a company would  require a lot of things, to get straight to the point, you need capital. To make money requires money as well.  But with the versatility the internet offers, there are many ways you could find that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.

While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flow, many sites don’t have the resources that others have to generate more traffic for your site.  Well, you don’t have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness.  You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent.  Now it’s a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Because it is possible, you don’t need to speed a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I’m not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I’m about to tell you.

Take advantage of online forums and online communities.  The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer.  Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company.  Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.

You can also make use of newsletters.  Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting and entertaining articles.  If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic.

Another great idea is trading links with other sites.  You don’t have to spend a cent.  All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster.  With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites.  Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.

Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product.  Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles.  When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated.  Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there’s a great probability that they will go to your site.

Write good content for your site.  Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used.  It is not a requirement that a content should be done by a professional content writer.  You could do your on but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining as well as informational.  It should provide certain requirements as well as great quality.
Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for.  Search engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results.  With the right keywords, you could get high rankings in search engine results without the costs.

All of these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free.  All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man hours.  Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

S - Six Pack Abs

Easy Six Pack Abs:  Tips for Easy Workout

You are always busy.  You don’t have enough time to go to the gym.  You don’t even have time to stand up away from your computer.  But you have a dream.  A model’s body.  A six pack abdominal glory.  Want to get that dream?

There are some easy abdominal exercises that you can do even at home.  Here are some exercises that can easily be done:

• Crunches

Almost all people know how to do this.  This exercise targets the upper abdomen.  It’s one of the basic but effective exercises. To perform crunches, you need to lie on a flat surface with your hands in your chest or behind you head.  Contract your abs, then hold for 2 seconds, then return to your lying position.  Proper crunches are in a continuous and controlled fashion.  Concentrate on your abdominal muscles to pull your upper body up.  Avoid using the neck or shoulders to push yourself up.  This incorrect practice will cause stress and strains.

• Side Crunches

They are basically the same as regular  crunches, except that the main focus is on the oblique muscles which are also called love handles.  It also uses the same technique, only that you are crunching to either side of our abs.  This would burn the sides of your abs.

• Lying Leg Lifts

This exercise targets the lower abs.  with this kind of exercise, you are on the same position as with the crunches,  you lie flat on your back and lift your legs six to twelve inches of the ground.  This would exercise the muscles in the lower part of the abdomen.  When performing leg lifts, place your hand under your buttock.  It adds leverage and helps you get your feet elevated.

If you want to add more weight into the exercise, attach padded weights into your ankles.  These weights can be purchased at the local sports store.  If you do not want to buy weights, you can simply fill up old tube socks with enough clean, unused cat litter to make one or two pound weight.

• V- Crunches

It’s almost like lying leg lifts except your chest is at a 45 degree angle starting out.  Sit at the edge of a bench and reach back just enough to support yourself from completely lying on the bench.  Once you’ve stabilized, bring your knees toward your chest.  You would be creating a V motion.  The base of the V would be your abs.

• Cat stretch

It’s the same with the movements made by a cat when they stretch their back. This simple action is a quick and easy exercise.  Get down on the floor with your hands and knees, with muscles relaxed and looking straight ahead.  Next, tighten your abdominal muscles while thrusting you back upward as far as you can.  Maintain the position for five counts before lowering your back.

• Bicycle Crunch

To do this, start y lying flat on the floor. Put your hand beside your head then raise knees up to 45 degrees angle and them perform a pedaling motion like what you do when you ride the bicycle.

• Standing Side Bends

Standing side bends encourages the loss of fats in the oblique muscles.  To start, stand up straight with the stomach sucked in, legs straight and hands on the sides.  Simply lean the body from left to right being careful not to rotate the hips and while keeping  body facing front.  There is a variety of side bends, this is the torso twists.  Instead of bending side to side twist or rotate the upper body from left to right while keeping the legs straight.

You can remove your flabby stomach and replace it with six pack abs, as long as you have discipline and the will to do so.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

R - Random Acts

There are many different kinds of random acts.  They can be big or small.  They can cost you nothing or a few dollars.  It can be spontaneous or something you planned.   You can perform a random act for a family member, friend, neighbor or complete stranger.   It is up to you.

1.  Put a few quarters in someone else's parking meter.
2.  Pay for the person behind you at the toll booth or behind you at a drive thru.
3.  Spend time with an elderly neighbor and really listen.  This will be you someday.
4.  Babysit for a friend - for free.
5.  Hug someone - you will both feel better.
6.  Donate to something you feel is a worthy cause.  It doesn't have to be much.  Even $1.00 will help.

Misha Collins, from the tv show Supernatural, has started a wonderful charity for this cause.  You can visit the website at this address:  http://www.therandomact.org/wordpress/.  In September 2010,  Misha ran, in his own marathon, for over 50 miles and raised almost $95,000 for Haiti.

It just goes to show anybody can do anything if you set your mind to it.  Remember, what goes around comes around.  Try to be positive and joyful every day you are on this earth and good things will come to you and ,who knows, maybe someone will do a random act of kindness for you today.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


QVC is a home shopping channel that has been on the air for the past 25 years.    QVC stands for quality, value, convenience.  It also broadcasts in the UK, Germany, Italy  and Japan and has more than 150 million consumers worldwide.   QVC headquarters are located in West Chester, PA.

The first live broadcast was on November 24, 1986 and was hosted by John Eastman, Bob Bowersox and Kathy Levine. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

P - Paintball

Paintball Basics

Paintball is a safe, simple yet challenging and strategic sport that is played usually by two teams, each with at least two players.  Adults and kids alike enjoy this sport as they often refer to it as an advanced or improvised game of tag.

Tournaments attract many spectators of all ages, as it is a very exciting game to watch.

Paintball games are of various types, however, the most popular game often played is called "capture the flag". The object or the goal of this game is for teams to advance to the opponent’s base, move the other team’s flag to its destined location, at the same time guarding your own flag.

The paintball field has many obstacles such as tires, forts, old cars, hay and the newest are “inflatables” that are constructed as refuge for team players; making the game all the more exciting, as if participating in an actual game of war in videos.

When one is hit, it can hurt briefly and at times give players bruises.  Players are typically required to be in long sleeves shirt and pants, making sure that the color is not be identical as that of the judge and complete paintball gear such as mask, helmet and goggles for safety.

The sport of paintball has a distinct and accurate set of rules that are strictly followed.  The producer of the tournament is the absolute authority in regard to either an alteration or addition to the rules; marshals oversee the event, and their decision is always final.  No dispute on the paintball field is accommodated or entertained.

A military approach to paintball is useless, as that knowledge is recognized and understood by the teams. A team’s tactic should be carefully planned; your team’s line of attack will not be known by the opposing team, and there should be a quick switch of plans in case something goes wrong.

There must be a lot of team work involved, as everyone moves through the field.  As a team member moves, there should be others to guard and keep watch and give off covering shots when necessary.  A team that moves together with a common objective will have a great chance of succeeding in this game.

Communication in the field is also very important.  A team-mate can shout the position of the opponent.  The moment that a player is seen, the game for that player is up; so there is no reason for you to keep quite; instead, inform the others the location of the enemy.

The excitement of this game concludes when you are seen and eliminated - a situation that all team players struggle to avoid.

Monday, April 4, 2011

O - Origami

Origami is the art of paper folding.   It is derived from the words "ori" which means folding and "kami" which means paper.  Kami was changed over to gami due to the way it was pronounced.  This art form originated in China back in the first century.  It was brought over to Japan by visiting monks in the sixth century. 

This became a favorite pastime of the Japanese and they developed several different styles and shapes, many of which were considered to bring good fortune.  The most popular Origami shape is the Crane.  It is considered to be a symbol of peace.  After the terrorist attack in New York on 9/11, thousands and thousands of origami cranes were handmade and sent as a wish for hope and peace.  This video will show you step by step instructions for making an origami crane.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9VF3gdf_Hk

Origami is a simple and fun thing to do.  It is easy to learn and many stores sell guidebooks on Origami and sell special paper to make different shapes. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

N - New York

Family Friendly New York City

Many people forget that New York is a town full of families and plan their vacations without providing much thought to the entertainment possibilities that abound for children in New York City.  It only makes sense that with so many families living in this city that there would be very many family oriented things to do and sights to see.

For instance, there are 5 zoos in New York City; some of them better known than others. The five zoos are Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, Queens Zoo, Bronx Zoo, and Staten Island Zoo.  Each zoo has something slightly different to offer than the others and if you have a true animal lover in your family there really is no harm in stopping by all of them.  Also if you purchase the New York Pass you will find that most of the zoos mentioned above offer free admission to card holder.

For the child who loves drama, New York City offers many theatrical productions that might suit him or her just fine.  The first is geared towards girls and is American Girl Place.  You can enjoy dining, shopping, and theatre while spending a day with your special little girl.  This is a great bonding experience for mothers and daughters.  The Manhattan Children's Theatre produces several high quality shows for children and families throughout the year at quite reasonable prices (season tickets are also available for those who live nearby). The New Victory Theater offers a different type of theater experience for families to enjoy.  The Paper Bag Players are a must see experience.  They offer a different type of theatre for children that encourages audience participation that gets your children involved in the dramatic process.  If you have the time you should also check out TADA! Youth Theater in order to show your children that even children have talents that need to be explored and can make a difference not only in their own lives but also in the lives of others.

In addition to the great activities mentioned above, there are several children's museums located in New York in addition to other museums that offer exhibitions that may be of interest to your children.  The following museums are well worth checking out even if you decide to seek entertainment elsewhere: Brooklyn Children's Museum, Staten Island Children's Museum, Children's Museum of Manhattan, FDNY Fire Zone, Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art, New York Hall of Science, Sony Wonder Technology Lab, Queens Country Farm Museum, and Ripley's Believe it or Not! Times Square.  There are many more museums in the city that may provide plenty of family entertainment and education but these are some of the most kid-friendly museums in the city.

Shopping is a fun and often educational process that often gets overlooked or even ignored when it comes to children.  However, it would be remiss to mention great family things to do in New York without mentioning some of the wonderful children's retailers that abound in this city.  Books of Wonder is aptly named as it brings back those books that held such wonder for us as children and gives us the chance to share those books with our children.  They have old and rare books as well as many excellent current book selections. New York is also home to the largest Build-A-Bear store in the world, which will make the bear lover in your family's eyes light up with glee.  There's FAO Schwarz, which is a toy store unto itself and almost worth the price of the trip to NYC alone.  Old and young kids alike will enjoy spending an afternoon here.  Toys R Us Times Square is offering up a Dinosaur portion of competition however by bringing in great attraction to get families in the door and buying toys.  Be sure that you let your little ones ride the Ferris wheel and that you get a copy of the photograph as a keepsake.

New York City is gaining a reputation for a much softer far more family oriented side.  Don't let the past reputation of this city prevent you from making this the family vacation destination it could be ideally suited to be.