Easy Income

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

M - Motivation

How To Develop A Motivated Mindset

From time to time, each of us will find ourselves in a rut of boredom and disinterest.  We seem to lose our zest for life and feel tired, irritable and unmotivated.  We want to hide under the covers rather than face the day.  Perhaps you're feeling overwhelmed by work, or sad about the pain and suffering in the world, or just bored with the routine of your daily life.

You are not alone.  We all go through periods like this at some point.  The good news is that we can do something about it. Here are some tips to help break out of the rut and feel excited about life again:

1) Take a "Time Out" - Prolonged stress can wear us down and zap any enthusiasm we once had.  Before doing anything else, take a few minutes to breathe and just BE.  Empty your mind of all stress and worry.  This takes practice, but don't give up!   As thoughts come into your mind, gently push them back out and continue to keep your mind empty and calm. Take slow, deep breaths and let all of your muscles relax.   Sit quietly and recharge your batteries.  Try to do this daily, or even twice daily (morning and night).  We need quiet time as much as we need anything else in life.  Give yourself the gift of inner peace.

2) Get Inspired - Read something motivational, inspirational or uplifting. Look at some beautiful nature photos, or read something humorous.  Consciously move your thoughts to a more positive place.  Focusing on nothing but work and our daily tasks in life can leave us feeling pretty uninspired.  It's easy to turn it around if we want to.  We just have to seek out things that will lift our spirits and our moods.  Make it a point to laugh, be happy, joyful and lighthearted each day.  Don't wait for inspiration to come knocking on your door, go out and find it, or create it.  Conjure up some funny or touching memories.   Write them in a journal so you can go back and read them when you're feeling down.

3) Get Excited - Think about the things you have planned for the day, and rekindle the enthusiasm you once felt for them. When we first begin a new project, or start a new job, we are excited about the possibilities and eager to get moving!  Over time, we can lose that enthusiasm for a variety of reasons.  Travel back in time for a moment, and think about what got you so excited at the beginning.  What made your heart beat a little faster? Recapture that feeling and hang onto it!  Even if your tasks aren't anything to be really excited about, at least think of some positive benefits to doing them.  For example, list the ways they will benefit your children, your spouse, yourself, your job or your home.   Identify the payoff, and focus on that. Even mundane tasks have some benefits.  Sometimes it's just a matter of switching our mindset to see the positive side.

4) Baby Steps - Sometimes the hardest part is actually getting started.  A project seems so monstrous that we cringe at the thought of all that time and energy we'll have to expend. Instead of overwhelming yourself, start small.  Set a timer for 15 minutes and just start working on it.   Allow yourself to stop after 15 minutes if you really want to.  But most often, once we actually start working on something, we won't want to stop. Don't focus on the big picture, look at the smaller details and take them on one at a time . Any large task seems manageable once we break it down into smaller steps.

5) Care of the Body - Sometimes our feelings of fatigue are caused by physical deficiencies, not mental.  Be sure you are getting enough rest, eating food that nourishes your body, drinking enough water, getting enough exercise, etc . Especially when we're very busy, we tend to grab the quickest, easiest meals, which aren't always the best choice for our bodies . Eating a lot of highly processed foods and sugar is like putting watered-down gasoline into our cars.  In order for our cars to run smoothly, we need to maintain them properly, and so it is with our bodies also. Remember, the body is the vehicle for the mind and soul! ;-)

Finally, remember to reward yourself from time to time, and be gentle with yourself!  There will always be things that "need" to be done.  But some of us take on way more than we can handle, and our lives turn into a pit of drudgery because of it.  Try to eliminate the things that truly don't bring you joy, or at least minimize the time you spend on them.  Do what you can, and let the rest go.  Or ask for help.  Don't feel you have to do everything yourself.

Remember that motivation, just like happiness, is something we CHOOSE. We may need to give ourselves a little push at the beginning, but once we get into the right mindset, it's simple to stay there if we choose to.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

L - Lower Cholesterol

Best Food That is Part of the Diet to Lower Cholesterol

People have to eat in order to have energy to do things.  Some are able to make three or four trips to the buffet table while others are satisfied after one round.  In any case, the type of food brought to the plate could be healthy or harmful and the choice is really up to the person.

Those who love to eat red meat and other dishes that are fatty or oil are at risk of getting sick.  This isn’t diarrhea but something worse which could be life threatening because of the amount of bad cholesterol that is being taken into the body.

The high levels of cholesterol in the body are happening more often now than ever before.  This is because of the variety of food offered now in the grocery and in restaurants.  The person can still recover from this by eating foods that are not high in saturated fats.

Is there one food product that can be called the best to lower cholesterol?  The answer is no because a well balanced diet must come from all the food groups.      

Instead of drinking full cream milk or mixing this with cornflakes or whole grain, it is best to use non fat milk instead. The taste is almost the same is much healthier than the regular brand bought  in the supermarket.

Instead of having steak when having a cookout or picnic, this should be changed with lean meats instead. These things don’t have that much fat in the center or in the edges and taste just as good as the big slab served with mash potatoes.

The healthiest thing to have either for lunch and dinner is food that comes from the ocean.  This can be fish or shellfish that is known to carry Omega 3, which is very effective in lowering the levels of cholesterol in people.

Eating a candy bar or a slice of cake doesn’t seem so bad but these things are rich in fat.  Those who need to fill the stomach with something should try nuts or fruits instead.  These products are rich in fiber as well as have vitamins and minerals that are healthier to consume.

In each meal, the person must not forget to add some fruits in the plate.  A salad works best or having a few carrots or potatoes as a side dish.  There must always be a balance whenever the individual decides to have meat or fish. 

Chicken is not good if it is fried.  Those who want to eat it for a change can still do as long as the skin has been removed.  This can also be grilled which is a healthier way of cooking it before this is served in a plate.

There are many ways to cook the foods mentioned.  The individual can get a cookbook or download some recipes from the Internet to be able to come up with something delicious and at the same time lower one’s cholesterol levels.

If following the instructions are hard, there are always shows on television that teach people the basics to cook something fat free which is good for the diet.

It is never too late to make some lifestyle and changes in order to live a longer and healthier life.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

K - Kitchens


It is a mistake to suppose that any room, however small and unpleasantly situated, is "good enough" for a kitchen.  This is the room where housekeepers pass a great portion of their time, and it should be one of the brightest and most convenient rooms in the house; for upon the results of no other department depend so greatly the health and comfort of the family as upon those involved in this 'household workshop'.

Every kitchen should have windows on two sides of the room, and the sun should have free entrance through them; the windows should open from the top to allow a complete change of air, for light and fresh air are among the chief essentials to success in all departments of the household.  Good drainage should also be provided, and the ventilation of the kitchen ought to be even more carefully attended to than that of a sleeping room.  The ventilation of the kitchen should be so ample as to thoroughly remove all gases and odors, which, together with steam from boiling and other cooking processes, generally invade and render to some degree unhealthful every other portion of the house.

There should be ample space for tables, chairs, range, sink, and cupboards, yet the room should not be so large as to necessitate too many steps.  Undoubtedly much of the distaste for, and neglect of, "housework," so often deplored, arises from unpleasant surroundings.  If the kitchen be light, airy, and tidy, and the utensils bright and clean, the work of compounding those articles of food which grace the table and satisfy the appetite will be a pleasant task.

It is desirable, from a sanitary standpoint, that the kitchen floor be made impervious to moisture; hence, concrete or tile floors are better than wooden floors.  Cleanliness is the great desideratum, and this can be best attained by having all woodwork in and about the kitchen coated with polish; substances which cause stain and grease spots, do not penetrate the wood when polished, and can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

The elements of beauty should not be lacking in the kitchen. Pictures and fancy articles are inappropriate; but a few pots of easily cultivated flowers on the window ledge or arranged upon brackets about the window in winter, and a window box arranged as a jardiniere, with vines and blooming plants in summer, will greatly brighten the room, and thus serve to lighten the task of those whose daily labor confines them to the precincts of the kitchen.

The kitchen furniture.

The furniture for a kitchen should not be cumbersome, and should be so made and dressed as to be easily cleaned.  There should be plenty of cupboards, and each for the sake of order, should be devoted to a special purpose.  Cupboards with sliding doors are much superior to closets. They should be placed upon casters so as to be easily moved, as they, are thus not only more convenient, but admit of more thorough cleanliness.

Cupboards used for the storage of food should be well ventilated; otherwise, they furnish choice conditions for the development of mold and germs.  Movable cupboards may be ventilated by means of openings in the top, and doors covered with very fine wire gauze which will admit the air but keep out flies and dust.

For ordinary kitchen uses, small tables of suitable height on easy-rolling casters, and with zinc tops, are the most convenient and most easily kept clean.  It is quite as well that they be made without drawers, which are too apt to become receptacles for a heterogeneous mass of rubbish.  If desirable to have some handy place for keeping articles which are frequently required for use, an arrangement similar to that represented in the accompanying cut may be made at very small expense.  It may be also an advantage to arrange small shelves about and above the range, on which may be kept various articles necessary for cooking purposes.

One of the most indispensable articles of furnishing for a well-appointed kitchen, is a sink; however, a sink must be properly constructed and well cared for, or it is likely to become a source of great danger to the health of the inmates of the household.  The sink should if possible stand out from the wall, so as to allow free access to all sides of it for the sake of cleanliness.  The pipes and fixtures should be selected and placed by a competent plumber.

Great pains should be taken to keep the pipes clean and well disinfected. Refuse of all kinds should be kept out.  Thoughtless housekeepers and careless domestics often allow greasy water and bits of table waste to find their way into the pipes.  Drain pipes usually have a bend, or trap, through which water containing no sediment flows freely; but the melted grease which often passes into the pipes mixed with hot water, becomes cooled and solid as it descends, adhering to the pipes, and gradually accumulating until the drain is blocked, or the water passes through very slowly.  A grease-lined pipe is a hotbed for disease germs.

Monday, June 6, 2011

J - Jewelry

Throughout the ages, men and women have used gemstones and crystals in personal ornaments and body decorations as bewitching jewelry.  Wearing them as charms, talismans or amulets, they were believed to possess the power to ward off evil spirits (or attract benevolent ones), keep one safe from harm, or to find love.  To this day, many people of all ages and from all walks of life believe in the magical power of certain gems and make bewitching jewelry part of their everyday attire.

Take pearls, for instance.  In the olden days, if a maiden wanted a man to fall in love with her, she would put pearls ground into a fine powder into a glass of wine and somehow get him to drink it.  A pretty costly way to catch a man, that method.  Nowadays, wearing pearls is believed to enhance one’s inner character and bring about peace and serenity. Gold is another example of bewitching jewelry.  Since time immemorial, it has captured the fascination of all people, and is one of the cornerstones of the science of alchemy.  Gold is used to enhance the power of other gemstones, hence its popular use as a setting.  It is also believed to attract wealth and influence, because the wearer is perceived to be strong and powerful.

Bewitching jewelry is not confined to fashionable purposes.  The Indian warriors of old used to have swords that were adorned with garnets, secure in the belief that this would bring them luck in battle.  Today, garnet jewelry presented as a gift signifies the giver’s feelings of eternal love and commitment.  It can also be worn as a charm to increase sensuality and sexuality.  Similarly, diamonds are said to aid in the release of sexual tension and to help the wearer enjoy a fantastic sex life.  I wonder what that says about girls who treat diamonds as their best friend?

Sapphires are benevolent examples of bewitching jewelry.  Aside from preserving friendships and promoting loyalty, they are also believed to protect the wearer from capture.  Turquoise is likewise popular as a talisman because of its alleged property of changing colors when the wearer is in peril.  Plus, it is used in amulets in many cultures because it is believed to be a bringer of luck.

There are many, many other beliefs regarding the use of gemstones as bewitching jewelry. They may be worn as talismans, charms, amulets or simply as fashion accessories.  But for many people today, as in the ancient times, jewels are chosen not only for their beauty, but for the perceived benefits that they will bring to the wearer as well.

Friday, June 3, 2011

I - Investing Basics

Investing Basics – What Are Your Investment Goals

When it comes to investing, many first time investors want to jump right in with both feet. Unfortunately, very few of those investors are successful. Investing in anything requires some degree of skill. It is important to remember that few investments are a sure thing – there is the risk of losing your money!

Before you jump right in, it is better to not only find out more about investing and how it all works, but also to determine what your goals are. What do you hope to achieve with your investments? Will you be funding a college education? Buying a home? Retiring? Before you invest a single penny, really think about what you hope to achieve with that investment. Knowing what your goal is will help you make smarter investment decisions along the way!

Too often, people invest money with dreams of becoming rich overnight. This is possible – but it is also rare. It is usually a very bad idea to start investing with hopes of becoming rich overnight. It is safer to invest your money in such a way that it will grow slowly over time, and be used for retirement or a child’s education. However, if your investment goal is to get rich quick, you should learn as much about high-yield, short term investing as you possibly can before you invest.

You should strongly consider talking to a financial planner before making any investments. Your financial planner can help you determine what type of investing you must do to reach the financial goals that you have set. He or she can give you realistic information as to what kind of returns you can expect and how long it will take to reach your specific goals.

Again, remember that investing requires more than calling a broker and telling them that you want to buy stocks or bonds. It takes a certain amount of research and knowledge about the market if you hope to invest successfully.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

H - Healthy eating

As you may know, not fueling up with the right
nutrients can affect how well your body performs
and your overall fitness benefits.  Even though
healthy eating is important, there are myths that
hinder your performance if you listen to them.

Below, you'll find some myth busters on healthy

1.  Working out on an empty stomach.
If you hear a rumbling noise in your stomach, the
rumbling is trying to tell you something.  Without
listening to them, you are forcing your body to
run without any fuel.  Before you exercise or do
any physical activity, always eat a light snack
such as an apple.

2.  Relying on energy bars and drinks.
Although they are fine every once in a while, they
don't deliver the antioxidants you need to prevent
cancer.  Fruits and vegetables are your best bets,
as they are loaded in vitamins, minerals, fluid,
and fiber.

3.  Skipping breakfast.
Skipping breakfast is never a good idea, as
breakfast starts the day.  Your body needs fuel
as soon as possible, and without it, you'll be
hungry throughout the day.

4.  Low carb diets.
Your body needs carbohydrates for your muscles and
the storing of energy. 

5.  Eating what you want.
Eating healthy and exercising doesn't give you an
all access pass to eat anything you want.  Everyone
needs the same nutrients whether they exercise or
not, as well as fruits and vegetables.

6.  Not enough calories
Although losing weight involves calories, losing
it too quickly is never safe.  What you should do,
is aim for 1 - 2 pounds a week.  Always make sure
that you are getting enough calories to keep your
body operating smoothly.  If you start dropping
weight too fast, eat a bit more food.

7.  Skip soda and alcohol.
Water, milk, and juice is the best to drink for
active people.  You should drink often, and not
require on thirst to be an indicator.  By the time
you get thirsty, your body is already running a
bit too low.

Changing how you eat is always a great step
towards healthy eating and it will affect how your
body performs.  The healthier you eat, you better
you'll feel.  No matter how old you may be, healthy
eating is something you should strive for.  Once
you give it a chance, you'll see in no time at
all just how much it can change your life - for the

Saturday, May 28, 2011

G - Google Adsense

Who Wants To Make Money With Google Adsense?

Fact number 1:  Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense.

Fact number 2:  Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home and have never made a dime on the internet have created full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their website or blog.

These are just some of the “super Adsense earners”.  You may have already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on their way to making millions worth of cash just by promoting Adsense sites.

Anyone, any age and gender can become money generating Adsense publishers as long as they what it takes. How does one go about this Internet advertising?

Writing articles for Adsense is the way to do it.  Using the right keywords in your articles and having Google ads on a certain site has become the most profitable way of marketing that anybody can get into.  No experience and level of education needed.  If you are not using this strategy, or may not be aware of it in the first place, chances are you may be losing thousands of dollars worth of extra income and still do not know it yet.

This is one of the many reasons why writing original quality content articles is now the latest in marketing buzz. Content and links.  When combined together becomes a really powerful tool to a successful web site and richer individuals.  Many internet marketing professionals are already aware of the value of an original quality content and how using keywords can drive targeted traffic into their sites from the search engines.

So why don’t all these web site owners write and submit their own articles if that is what is important?

The simple and understandable answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites.  That is why they get the services of those who can spares sometime to write the articles that would cater to their site purpose but still turn out as a good quality and unique piece of work.

To get into the Adsense marketing business and start earning some good cash, ask yourself. Did you enjoy writing when you were in school? If you answer yes to this question, you already have an initial advantage over most internet marketing business owners that wants to make money online and doing it at home.

With the boom in the Adsense market comes the need for sites to want fresh, quality and original keyword rich content.  This way, web site owners can have a steady supply of articles with the proper keywords that they relate to their site contents.  The result of this is seen in the sites page rank when indexed by the search engines.  Which, in turn, gets moreAdsense ads to show above, below or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.

What do people have to do?

Write quality and original content, keyword or phrase rich articles with links to your website in the resource box.  Then build a website or web page with targeted keyword or phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from the articles you wrote.  Finally, you will have Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content site where visitors will get to visit when they come looking for information.

A win-win situation if you think more about it.  A favor for persons looking for quality content and information.  For the persons writing the original content articles. And the person with the quality original content rich website.  Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what?  As long as you are getting something in your favor, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves.

So who else wants to start earning money with Adsense.  You. Everyone. Anybody.  Internet marketing has many opportunities wide open for this people.  Writing articles and using Adsense for your kind of internet marketing strategy is one sure way of getting a piece of that action and cash.

Better not be left behind the many making millions already.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

F - Feng Shui

Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) is an ancient Chinese art form that is used to create positive energy known as Qi (pronounced chee).   Feng means wind and shui means water.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

E - Email Marketing

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List

An opt-in list can be quite crucial to any site or internet based company.  Even for a small venture such as a niche profit site an opt-in list can make a world of difference and also add some extra income for your pocket.  Rarely would you see an e-commerce site, big or small, that is without an opt-in list.

An opt-in list allows for a company to market their wares and site via an e-mail.  With an opt-in list, a site and a subscriber consents to sending and receiving a newsletter from your company.  Through this, you can keep your subscribers abreast of what is currently available in your site as well as whatever is coming out.

And because there is mutual consent between the two parties, any mail sent to the list is not considered as spam mail.  There is a great number of successfully read promotional materials such as catalogs, newsletters and such that are sent because the subscribers themselves have signed up for them, meaning, they do want to be sent those items.

Building a list is crucial, only a small percentage actually subscribes for an opt-in list.  Many people find promotional mails annoying but of you provide a good newsletter or promotional material, you will see your list build up and grow.  You can also achieve this by having good content on your site.  If people like what they see and read on your site, then they surely would want more.  Newsletters would be a way to attract them back to your site.  A little teaser or appetizer if you will.

But other than marketing your wares and your services, an opt-in list can also be used to earn extra profit. Not all lists can be used though.  It would be good to first build a successful list with a huge number of subscribers.   The more subscribers you have, the more money you can get. Here are seven ways to make money using nothing more than your list.

1) Place advertisements. There are many corporations who will be willing to pay to put their banners and ads on a list with many subscribers.  Selling or renting out lists is not a good idea so rather than doing that, many companies would just rather place ads with lists that have a huge subscriber base.  Your newsletter could be placed with many ads and each one spells money.

2) Have affiliations with other companies that have at least a semblance or relation to what your site is about. Here other companies will provide links and brief descriptions of what they offer, products and services.  With every click made on the link that directs or leads a subscriber from your list to their site, the company will pay you.  This is P4P or pay for performance.

3) Make deals with other companies by asking for a small percentage of sales done through your list.  With every sale done by customers that have come from your list and have gone there because of your newsletter, the other company will pay you a small percentage of your sales.  The more people who buys from them, the more earnings you get.

4) You may also get products from other sites on a consignment basis and sell them to your list via  your newsletter.  Place descriptions, articles and photos of the product in your newsletter.  There will be those who will buy from you and when that happens, you can order the product from the other site and sell it to your buyer.

5) Sell e-books or a compilation of your articles on your list.  Manuals and how-to articles are in great demand.  Many people will be willing to shell out money to gain knowledge about a certain topic and subject. With your existing list trusting your expertise in that area, an e-book could be offered and sold or used as an incentive.

6) Create a network out of your list.  Get people to invite more people to view your site and subscribe to your list.  The larger your list is, the more people will be able to click on your links and affiliate links as well as make your advertisement rates higher.

7) Subscribers are willing to pay for information if they know that it can be trusted and relied upon . Use your list to get more and more people to subscribe to you as well as browse your site.  Lastly, you can use your list to earn money by making them your partners.  Your list will be the bloodline of your growth and increase.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

D - Digital photography

Digital Photography Made Easy

Today, digital photography is considered the most popular not only in the business industry but also for personal use.  For all those who have shifted from film cameras, it is vital that you know the different terms related to it.

The first part of the digital photography tutorial will focus on the basic parts and terms you need to know before handling a digital camera.  Below are the common terms used in digital photography:

1.    Pixel- means the tiniest part of the digital photo.  A photo image is composed of combined millions of pixel.
2.    Resolution- the over all quantity of pixels in a photo.  Increasing the resolution would make the image become sharper.  Thus more pixels are needed to achieve a better photo image quality.
3.    Mega pixel- a photo composed of three to four mega pixels will have a better quality that a photo with only one mega pixel.
4.    Dots Per Inch (DPI) - this term is used to describe quality of the computer monitor and printer. Specifically, laser printers have more dpi resolution than monitors.  Hence, higher the dpi resolution means better quality.
5.    JPEG (joint photographic experts group) - it correspond to the format for saving images in the digital camera.
6.    Memory Card- this is where the digital files are stored.  Memory cards consist of different sizes and capacity.  A memory card with higher storage capacity would be more convenient to purchase.
7.    LCD (liquid crystal display) - almost all digital cameras have this specification.  The purpose of LCD is for the photographer to be able to view the scene first before capturing the photo.

Now that you already understand the first part of the digital photography tutorial, the second part will discuss basically on correct handling of digital camera.

Proper handling of digital camera is the next important step in digital photography. This is because the success of a digital photographer depends on his output. And the key to achieve quality photos starts in the way you use and handle the digital camera.

Learning how a digital camera works, understanding the strategies in taking photos, and how to take indoor and outdoor pictures are all part of the things a beginner should learn.

Below is the second part of the digital photography tutorial. These are good ideas to help beginner master the secrets of taking photos.

1.    Pay attention to the subject

One of the most fundamental digital photography tips.  You should be able to compose carefully by working on the frame. Play with your camera, and explore the different shots.  Avoid positioning your object at the center of the photo, as it may result to dead center image.

2.    Capture Close Up Photos

Take great images by capturing them in extreme close up. Close up photos add a little creativity and excitement to the photos. In addition, this feature is only of the different ways to enhance you photo.

3.    Use a tripod

Oftentimes digital cameras results to blurry photographs if your hands quiver a little.  Getting a tripod will surely save your effort from taking low quality photos, and preserve otherwise great photos.

4.    Be active

Try creative shots.  Take photos from the top of a hill, or off the side of a yacht.  Go outside and explore your environment.  You'll surely have fun taking those once in a lifetime photo shots.

5.    Join a photography class

Your learning doesn't only focus on the practical part.  You must not only learn through your experience. Learning from an expert would also help to improve your skills as a photographer.  Try to join a photography class in your community, or if there are online classes you can log on.

Becoming a professional digital photographer really takes time.  You just have to be resourceful and keep on trying new techniques.  Start by learning the digital photography tutorial because this will serve as a stepping stone for your future career growth.

Monday, May 16, 2011

C - Craigslist

Earning a Living with Craigslist

Believe it or not, it is entirely possible for savvy individuals to earn their living through Craigslist . More and more individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit are realizing there are a host of opportunities for those who are willing to work hard to earn a living through hard work, learning about online communities such as Craigslist and effectively marketing themselves and their skills or products to those who might be in the market to invest in services or products the individual has to offer.  Unlike conventional jobs where there is a set salary for services rendered and an unofficial cap on the earning potential those who offer their services online as an independent contractor have no such cap on their earning potential.  However, there are also no guarantees on the amount which will be earned.

In general there are two ways to make a living with Craigslist.  This may include offering services as an independent contractor on a contract basis or offering products or services as a small business owner. Alternately, individuals can utilize Craigslist to secure a permanent full time job through the job posting section on Craigslist.   However, for the purposes of this article we will discuss the possibilities open to independent contractors and small business owners on Craigslist.

Craigslist for Independent Contractors

Those who offer their services as independent contractors on a contract basis are finding Craigslist to be an excellent location to offer their services or respond to advertisements from those seeking services.  An increase in the amount of work being outsourced by both small businesses and large corporations has prompted many savvy individuals to realize there is a market for them to take advantage of these outsourcing opportunities.  They can use Craigslist in their effort to do this by placing advertisements for services offered as well as by responding to advertisements seeking contract employees.

There is a section on Craigslist specifically for services offered.  Under the topic of services offered there are a number of different categories.  The contractor can place a posting under the most appropriate category to reach their target audience.  There is also a category for small business advertisements which may be used if there are no appropriate categories for the type of services offered.  However, it might be more difficult to reach a target audience by placing an advertisement in such a general category.

Independent contractors can also gain business opportunities by responding to advertisements seeking contract employees.  In searching for a job on Craigslist individuals can begin with a location and then browse through different types of job by category.  The easiest way to find a contract position is to use the search feature and check the contract box to include this term as a part of the search criteria.  This will ensure the search results returned include only contract positions.

Craigslist for Small Business Owners

Small business owners can utilize Craigslist to reach a larger audience and grow their business.  Those who have a small business have a couple of opportunities to use Craigslist to their advantage.  The most obvious way to promote a business on Craigslist is by posting an advertisement in the appropriate category under the for sale or services sections of the community.  This can be very effective because Craigslist receives more than four billion page views per month meaning there is a large potential audience using Craigslist.

Small business owners can also use the discussion forums portion of the Craigslist community to generate greater profit for their business.  However, small business owners should use a great deal of caution to ensure their promotional postings are not viewed as spam.  There is a distinct difference between posting information related to your business in a way that is informative to the reader and spamming the boards with useless posts intended solely to promote your business.  Spamming is not only likely to be overlooked by readers but also runs the risk that the Craigslist moderators will delete your posts or take more severe actions against you.

Friday, May 13, 2011

B - Beach Vacations

9 Beach Vacation Ideas

When it comes to going on your beach vacation, it can
be very hard to pick a destination.  There are many
places you can go, whether you want to explore the
beaches of Hawaii or just play golf in Georgia. 
Below, you'll find 9 ideas to help you decide on
where to go for your vacation.

1.  Hawaii resort
You can choose to put your frequent flier miles to
good use and take a beach vacation on the island of
Hawaii.  Here, you can relax on the beach, swim in
the ocean, play golf, and even indulge in one of
the many innovative spa treatments.  Hawaii enjoys
some of the best weather in the world - making it
a great choice for your beach vacation.

2.  Golf and Beach in Georgia
Popular among the East Coast, the Cloister at Sea
Island in Georgia offers you 54 holes of championship
golf, sandy beaches, and a wide array of things for
you to do. 

3.  Oahu beach vacation
At the Kahala Mandarin Oriental you can expect to be
pampered like never before.  You can visit the spa,
take scuba diving classes, or choose to swim
with the dolphins.  The resort is conveniently
located 15 minutes away from Honolulu and Waikiki

4.  Virgin Islands vacation
At this vacation destination you can enjoy blue
waters and sandy beaches.  The Ritz Carlton and
St. Thomas resorts offer you the best of luxury
hotels during your beach vacation in the Virgin

5.  Half Moon Bay California
Located just 30 minutes by car away from San
Francisco, the Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay is a
quick beach vacation away from the normal busy life
of the city. 

6.  Luxury Beach Resort of Bermuda
Two hours away by flight from New York City,
Bermuda is a quick and ideal vacation away from the
East Coast.  Ariel Sands offers you 47 guest rooms
with gourmet food and breathtaking views.

7.  Romance and seclusion in Jamaica
With unique rooms and splendid views of the
Caribbean, gourmet cuisine and amazing beaches,
The Caves resort in Jamaica helps to set the beach
vacation mood like never before.

8.  Lakeside Resort Georgia
Near Atlanta Georgia, the Lake Lanier Islands offers
a golf course for golf lovers and a waterpark with
several water rides, slides, and water attractions
the entire family will enjoy.

9.  Family fun in Hawaii
The Kona Village Resort in Hawaii offers you
several vacation activities that include snorkeling,
kayaking, sailing, volleyball, tennis, fishing,
scuba diving, and glass bottom boat tours.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A - Autoresponders

Getting Started With Autoresponders

If you’ve just started your online business or decided to get into affiliate marketing, you’ll be looking to make money. An autoresponder is a computer program that automatically answers e-mail sent to it.  Making money on the net with your new business can be a little tricky, unless you have an autoresponder.  An autoresponder is the ideal way to carry out your day to day business – saving yourself quite a bit of time and money.

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend, there are places on the Internet where you can get an autoresponder for free.  Keep in mind that if you don’t purchase your autoresponder, the free ones normally come with downsides.  The most common downside to free autoresponders are ads on your emails, which will more than likely send your customers the wrong idea.

When you get your autoresponder, the first thing you’ll need to do is set it up with messages or articles that relate to your business. This way, when you send out emails or messages, you’ll be sending out material that relates to your business or products.  You should try to write some of your own if you can, which will help you get started in the right direction.

When you load up your autoresponder, you should try to load it with at least 52 messages.  This way, you’ll something to send for each week of the year.  If you have trouble loading your autoresponder with this many messages or articles, there are places online where you can get your material for free.  If you simply don’t have the time, you can always start with a few messages then go back and add more later.

Once you have your autoresponder preloaded with messages or articles, you’ll need to set up your signature.  Your signature will be displayed at the bottom of every message your autoresponder sends, and should be your name and link to your business.  You can also add a short description of your business as well, which will let clients or interested customers know a bit of information about your business.  Your name and link to your business will go a long way, letting your customers know that you are professional.

Once you have everything set up, all you need to do is start sending out emails.  Your autoresponder can be set up to send messages automatically.  You can also send out emails daily, weekly, or monthly if you prefer.  Almost all autoresponders are flexible, easy to use, and will send out your messages when you decide.  Once your subscriber list starts to build up, and you get more email addresses to your autoresponder, you’ll quickly see that it’s very beneficial. After you have used your autoresponder a few months – you won’t be able to imagine your business without it.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Z - Zumba

Zumba is the newest dance craze to sweep the nation.  It is a combination of energizing Latin music and dancing to create a fun workout.  It was created in 2001 by Alberto "Beto" Perez.

Today, it is one of the most popular workouts in the country.  There are classes all over and I am sure you could find one near you if you wanted to try Zumba.  There is a complete workout DVD set and you can also get shaker weights to add to the fun.

It has become so popular that there are Zumba workouts for Nintendo Wii, Playstation and X-box.  I have yet to try it but I have heard you can burn alot of calories doing Zumba.  So, what are you waiting for?  Get out there and give it a try.  What do you have to lose (except a few pounds)?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Y - Yoga

Yoga exercises strengthen your body and make it more flexible.  Yoga also calms your mind and gives you energy.  In active sports or strenuous exercises, you use up energy.  In yoga classes, students report that they feel tranquil after a class, yet have more energy.  Slow and steady motion is the key to going into or coming out of the postures. You hold a yoga pose for several seconds or even minutes and give attention to full, quiet breath. 

A yoga session is designed for balance.  People of all ages can practice yoga exercises.  They are easily modified to meet your needs and physical condition.  Don't be put off by the difficult looking postures you may see in a yoga book or video.   A skilled teacher can adapt most exercises by using chairs, cushions, even a wall or other props.  A yoga practice can be tailor-made just for you. . Never compete with yourself or others.  Yoga is a stress-free but powerful way to exercise.  Yoga is good for increasing your flexibility and relieving stress.

Deep breathing is both calming and energizing. The energy you feel from a few minutes of careful breathe is not nervous or hyper, but that calm, steady energy we all need. Slow, steady, and quiet breathing gives a message to your nervous system: Be calm.

Here is one 5-minute Breath Break. (Read through the instructions several times before you try the practice.)

1. Sit with your spine as straight as possible. Use a chair if necessary but don't slump into it. Feet flat on the floor with knees directly over the center of your feet. Use a book or cushion under your feet if they do not rest comfortably on the floor. Hands are on the tops of your legs.

2. Close your eyes gently and let them rest behind closed lids.

3. Think about your ribs, at the front, back, and at the sides of your body.  Your lungs are behind those ribs.

4. Feel your lungs filling up, your ribs expanding out and up.  Feel your lungs emptying, your ribs coming back down and in.   Don't push the breath.

5. The first few times you do this, do it for 2 to 3 minutes, then do it for up to 5 to 10 minutes. At first, set aside a time at least once a day to do this.  When you learn how good it makes you feel, you'll want to do it at other times as well.

Just as one stressful situation goes into your next challenge, relaxing for a few minutes every day gradually carries over into the rest of your daily life and activities.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

X - Xylophone

The Xylophone is a wood instrument in the Percussion family that is believed to have originated in Africa.  It consists of different lengths of wood bars and is played by using something that looks like a rubber mallet.  Each bar is set to a specific pitch. 

You can make a xylophone out of many different types of material.  They don't necessarily have to be wooden.  A child's xylophone is often made out of metal.  Anyone of any age can play the xylophone.  You do not have to take lessons or have a special talent.  Just enjoy and have fun with it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

W - Weight Loss

Free Weight Loss programs

The race to fitness is on and a lot of people are jumping on  the band wagon.  Some people do it to achieve a sexy body, some people just do it because they are embarrassed with the body they have now, while others do it simply to remain fit and health y. As such, many fitness programs are out on the internet, in gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. 

One may not have to go to the gym or the spa or any fitness center and spend much just to slim down to obtain that longed for sexy body.  There are many books available in the bookstore which offer weight loss programs which are convenient and for free, of course the books are not though.  These weight loss programs, or diet plans are gaining immense popularity with so much publicity, testimonials and reviews that one may be confused which exactly to follow.  So before choosing which weight loss plan to follow, try reading these summaries about the most popular diet programs out today.

Atkins' New Diet Revolution by Dr. Atkins.  This weight loss program encourages a high protein diet and cutting back on the carbs.  One can feast on vegetables and meat but not on bread and pasta. One is also not restricted against fat intake so it is okay to pour in the salad dressing and freely spread on the butter. . Intake of grains and fruits are also limited.  I tried this diet many years ago and lost 35 pounds but it is a very unrealistic way of eating and it is possible to gain weight back once you start to eat carbs again.

Carbohydrate Addict's Diet by Drs. Heller.  This diet plan advocates low carbohyrate eating and is similar to Atkins.  You basically are eating meats, vegetables and fruits, dairy and grain products.  However, warns against taking in too many carbs.  "Reward" meal can be too high on fats and saturated fats.

Choose to Lose by Dr. Goor.  Restrains fat intake.  One is given a "fat" budget and he is given the liberty on how to spend it.  It does not pressure the individual to watch his carbohydrate intake.  Eating meat and poultry as well as low-fat dairy and seafoods is okay.  A go signal is also given on eating vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and pasta.  This weight loss plan is fairly healthy, good amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as saturated fats.  Watch triglyceride levels though; if high, trim down the carbohydrates and tuck in more of the unsaturated fats.

The DASH Diet.  Advocates moderate amounts of fat and protein intake and high on carbs.  Primarily designed to lower blood pressure, the diet plan follows the pyramid food guide and encourages high intake of whole wheat grains as well as fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy.  Some dieters think it advocates too much eating to procure significant weight loss.

Eat More, Weigh Less by Dr. Ornish.  Primarily vegetarian fare and strictly low-fat.  Gives the go signal on the "glow" foods but warns to watch it on non-fat dairy and egg whites. This diet is poor in calcium and retricts consumption of healthy foods like seafoods and lean poultry.

Eat Right for Your Type.  Interesting because it is based on the person's blood type and recommends plenty of meat for people with the blood type O.   Diet plans for some blood types are nutritionally imbalanced and too low in calories.  And for the record, there is even no proof that blood type affects dietary needs.

The Pritkin Principle.  Focused on trimming the calorie density in eating by suggesting watery foods that make one feel full.  Eating vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, pasta, soups, salads and low-fat dairy is okay. Although limits protein sources to lean meat, pseafood and poultry.  Although it is healthy by providing low amounts of saturated fats and rich amounts of vegetables and fruits, it is also low on calcium and limits lean protein sources.

Volumetrics.  For low-density calorie eating.  Recommends the same foodstuff as Pritkin but restricts fatty or dry foods like popcorn, pretzels and crackers.  This plan is reasonably healthy given the high amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as being low in calorie density and saturated fats.

The Zone.  Moderately low on the carbs yet moderately high on the proteins.  Encourages low-fat protein foods like fish and chicken plus veggies, fruits and grains.  It is also healthy but lacking in grains and calcium.

Weight Watchers.  High carbohydrates, moderate on fats and proteins.  A very healthy diet plan and very flexible too. it allows the dieter to plan his own meal rather than give him a set to follow.

The bottom line is that different diets work for different people and you should listen to your body and what it needs.

Monday, April 25, 2011

V- Viral Marketing

The Many Facets of Viral Marketing

In the beginning, e-mail was the one way that viral marketing was started.  Since that long ago day, viral marketing has gone from a marketing strategy to an art form and there are many ways to accomplish the objective of creating a successful viral marketing campaign. Seven of those ways are:

1.    E-mail: It was first but it is still around and still used.  It is, however, getting a little harder to use as more and more government restrictions are placed on it. Still… it does work.

2.    Newsletters: This is an extension of e-mail but it a very effective tool . If you include enough timely and valuable information, a good newsletter can drive up the number of visits to your website.

3.    Blogging: Providing the tools on your website to enable bloggers to interact with one another is a terrific way to get the message about your product of service out there and being talked about.  Bloggers have their ears to the ground for new products and services.

4.    Chat Rooms: A chat room on your website can and does encourage interaction among your customers and that can’t be a bad thing.  Also, you can use the chat room to schedule special events like having an expert available to answer questions on a given day at a given time.

5.    Tell-a-friend Script: If you add this with a statement saying that e-mail addresses supplied will never be shared with third parties, you can increase your potential customer list greatly.

6.    Video Clips: Including cool video clips on your website will keep the interest up and increase traffic.

7.    Flash Games: Although they are a little costly to start, they are an extremely effective tool to get your viral marketing campaign going.  Once they are launched, they require nothing more from you.

Friday, April 22, 2011

U - Unicorns

Unicorn comes from the latin words "unus" meaning one and "cornu" meaning horn.  The Unicorn is a mythical creature that looks like a white horse with a long, spiral horn coming out of its head.   The Greek physician and historian Ctesias believed the unicorn to be a native to India and described the horn to be around 18 inches long and colored in white, red and black.  The dust of the horn was thought to be an anti-toxin to poison.

Unicorns are white to represent purity. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

T - Traffic

How To Generate Traffic Using Only Free Methods

Putting up a company would  require a lot of things, to get straight to the point, you need capital. To make money requires money as well.  But with the versatility the internet offers, there are many ways you could find that could help optimize the potential of your site or business in generating traffic.

While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flow, many sites don’t have the resources that others have to generate more traffic for your site.  Well, you don’t have to spend a cent; all you need is the proper mindset and a lot of eagerness.  You also must have the drive and perseverance to do hard work and research to generate more traffic for your site.

How sweet it is to have more traffic for your site without spending a single cent.  Now it’s a sure thing that many sites have articles that offer tips and guidelines in how to generate traffic using only free methods. Because it is possible, you don’t need to speed a single cent, it may take time, to say honestly, I’m not going to beat around the bush with you. You get better chances by paying for your advertisements, but at least you get a fighting chance with some of these free methods I’m about to tell you.

Take advantage of online forums and online communities.  The great thing about forums and online communities is that you can target a certain group that fits the certain demographic that you are looking for. You can discuss lots of things about the niche that you represent or offer.  Another great advantage is that you know what you are getting into and you will be prepared.

With online communities and forums you can build a reputation for your company.  Show them what you are made of and wow them with your range of expertise about the subject, with that you can build a reputation and build trust with the people in your expertise and knowledge.

You can also make use of newsletters.  Provide people with a catalog of your products and interesting and entertaining articles.  If you make it really interesting and entertaining, more people will sign up for your newsletter and recommend it to other people. The more people who signs up for your newsletter, the more people there will be that will go to your site increasing your traffic.

Another great idea is trading links with other sites.  You don’t have to spend a cent.  All you have to do is reach an agreement with another webmaster.  With exchanging links, the efforts both sites do will benefit both sites.  Every traffic that goes to the site could potentially click on the link of your site and visit your site as well. This works well especially when both sites feature the same niche.

Write articles that could pique the attention of people that have interest in your product.  Try writing articles that will provide tips and guides to other aficionados. Writing articles that provide good service and knowledge to other people would provide the necessary mileage your traffic flow needs.

Many sites offer free submission and posting of your articles.  When people find interest in your articles they have a good chance of following the track by finding out where the article originated.  Include a link or a brief description of your company with the article and there’s a great probability that they will go to your site.

Write good content for your site.  Many search engines track down the keywords and keyword phrases your site uses and how they are used.  It is not a requirement that a content should be done by a professional content writer.  You could do your on but you have to make content for your site that is entertaining as well as informational.  It should provide certain requirements as well as great quality.
Generally, internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for.  Search engines in return use keyword searching in aiding their search results.  With the right keywords, you could get high rankings in search engine results without the costs.

All of these methods and more will drive more traffic to your site for free.  All it takes is a bit of effort and extended man hours.  Learn all you can about the methods depicted here and you will soon have a site with a great traffic flow without the usual costs that come with it.


Saturday, April 16, 2011

S - Six Pack Abs

Easy Six Pack Abs:  Tips for Easy Workout

You are always busy.  You don’t have enough time to go to the gym.  You don’t even have time to stand up away from your computer.  But you have a dream.  A model’s body.  A six pack abdominal glory.  Want to get that dream?

There are some easy abdominal exercises that you can do even at home.  Here are some exercises that can easily be done:

• Crunches

Almost all people know how to do this.  This exercise targets the upper abdomen.  It’s one of the basic but effective exercises. To perform crunches, you need to lie on a flat surface with your hands in your chest or behind you head.  Contract your abs, then hold for 2 seconds, then return to your lying position.  Proper crunches are in a continuous and controlled fashion.  Concentrate on your abdominal muscles to pull your upper body up.  Avoid using the neck or shoulders to push yourself up.  This incorrect practice will cause stress and strains.

• Side Crunches

They are basically the same as regular  crunches, except that the main focus is on the oblique muscles which are also called love handles.  It also uses the same technique, only that you are crunching to either side of our abs.  This would burn the sides of your abs.

• Lying Leg Lifts

This exercise targets the lower abs.  with this kind of exercise, you are on the same position as with the crunches,  you lie flat on your back and lift your legs six to twelve inches of the ground.  This would exercise the muscles in the lower part of the abdomen.  When performing leg lifts, place your hand under your buttock.  It adds leverage and helps you get your feet elevated.

If you want to add more weight into the exercise, attach padded weights into your ankles.  These weights can be purchased at the local sports store.  If you do not want to buy weights, you can simply fill up old tube socks with enough clean, unused cat litter to make one or two pound weight.

• V- Crunches

It’s almost like lying leg lifts except your chest is at a 45 degree angle starting out.  Sit at the edge of a bench and reach back just enough to support yourself from completely lying on the bench.  Once you’ve stabilized, bring your knees toward your chest.  You would be creating a V motion.  The base of the V would be your abs.

• Cat stretch

It’s the same with the movements made by a cat when they stretch their back. This simple action is a quick and easy exercise.  Get down on the floor with your hands and knees, with muscles relaxed and looking straight ahead.  Next, tighten your abdominal muscles while thrusting you back upward as far as you can.  Maintain the position for five counts before lowering your back.

• Bicycle Crunch

To do this, start y lying flat on the floor. Put your hand beside your head then raise knees up to 45 degrees angle and them perform a pedaling motion like what you do when you ride the bicycle.

• Standing Side Bends

Standing side bends encourages the loss of fats in the oblique muscles.  To start, stand up straight with the stomach sucked in, legs straight and hands on the sides.  Simply lean the body from left to right being careful not to rotate the hips and while keeping  body facing front.  There is a variety of side bends, this is the torso twists.  Instead of bending side to side twist or rotate the upper body from left to right while keeping the legs straight.

You can remove your flabby stomach and replace it with six pack abs, as long as you have discipline and the will to do so.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

R - Random Acts

There are many different kinds of random acts.  They can be big or small.  They can cost you nothing or a few dollars.  It can be spontaneous or something you planned.   You can perform a random act for a family member, friend, neighbor or complete stranger.   It is up to you.

1.  Put a few quarters in someone else's parking meter.
2.  Pay for the person behind you at the toll booth or behind you at a drive thru.
3.  Spend time with an elderly neighbor and really listen.  This will be you someday.
4.  Babysit for a friend - for free.
5.  Hug someone - you will both feel better.
6.  Donate to something you feel is a worthy cause.  It doesn't have to be much.  Even $1.00 will help.

Misha Collins, from the tv show Supernatural, has started a wonderful charity for this cause.  You can visit the website at this address:  http://www.therandomact.org/wordpress/.  In September 2010,  Misha ran, in his own marathon, for over 50 miles and raised almost $95,000 for Haiti.

It just goes to show anybody can do anything if you set your mind to it.  Remember, what goes around comes around.  Try to be positive and joyful every day you are on this earth and good things will come to you and ,who knows, maybe someone will do a random act of kindness for you today.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


QVC is a home shopping channel that has been on the air for the past 25 years.    QVC stands for quality, value, convenience.  It also broadcasts in the UK, Germany, Italy  and Japan and has more than 150 million consumers worldwide.   QVC headquarters are located in West Chester, PA.

The first live broadcast was on November 24, 1986 and was hosted by John Eastman, Bob Bowersox and Kathy Levine. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

P - Paintball

Paintball Basics

Paintball is a safe, simple yet challenging and strategic sport that is played usually by two teams, each with at least two players.  Adults and kids alike enjoy this sport as they often refer to it as an advanced or improvised game of tag.

Tournaments attract many spectators of all ages, as it is a very exciting game to watch.

Paintball games are of various types, however, the most popular game often played is called "capture the flag". The object or the goal of this game is for teams to advance to the opponent’s base, move the other team’s flag to its destined location, at the same time guarding your own flag.

The paintball field has many obstacles such as tires, forts, old cars, hay and the newest are “inflatables” that are constructed as refuge for team players; making the game all the more exciting, as if participating in an actual game of war in videos.

When one is hit, it can hurt briefly and at times give players bruises.  Players are typically required to be in long sleeves shirt and pants, making sure that the color is not be identical as that of the judge and complete paintball gear such as mask, helmet and goggles for safety.

The sport of paintball has a distinct and accurate set of rules that are strictly followed.  The producer of the tournament is the absolute authority in regard to either an alteration or addition to the rules; marshals oversee the event, and their decision is always final.  No dispute on the paintball field is accommodated or entertained.

A military approach to paintball is useless, as that knowledge is recognized and understood by the teams. A team’s tactic should be carefully planned; your team’s line of attack will not be known by the opposing team, and there should be a quick switch of plans in case something goes wrong.

There must be a lot of team work involved, as everyone moves through the field.  As a team member moves, there should be others to guard and keep watch and give off covering shots when necessary.  A team that moves together with a common objective will have a great chance of succeeding in this game.

Communication in the field is also very important.  A team-mate can shout the position of the opponent.  The moment that a player is seen, the game for that player is up; so there is no reason for you to keep quite; instead, inform the others the location of the enemy.

The excitement of this game concludes when you are seen and eliminated - a situation that all team players struggle to avoid.

Monday, April 4, 2011

O - Origami

Origami is the art of paper folding.   It is derived from the words "ori" which means folding and "kami" which means paper.  Kami was changed over to gami due to the way it was pronounced.  This art form originated in China back in the first century.  It was brought over to Japan by visiting monks in the sixth century. 

This became a favorite pastime of the Japanese and they developed several different styles and shapes, many of which were considered to bring good fortune.  The most popular Origami shape is the Crane.  It is considered to be a symbol of peace.  After the terrorist attack in New York on 9/11, thousands and thousands of origami cranes were handmade and sent as a wish for hope and peace.  This video will show you step by step instructions for making an origami crane.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9VF3gdf_Hk

Origami is a simple and fun thing to do.  It is easy to learn and many stores sell guidebooks on Origami and sell special paper to make different shapes. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

N - New York

Family Friendly New York City

Many people forget that New York is a town full of families and plan their vacations without providing much thought to the entertainment possibilities that abound for children in New York City.  It only makes sense that with so many families living in this city that there would be very many family oriented things to do and sights to see.

For instance, there are 5 zoos in New York City; some of them better known than others. The five zoos are Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, Queens Zoo, Bronx Zoo, and Staten Island Zoo.  Each zoo has something slightly different to offer than the others and if you have a true animal lover in your family there really is no harm in stopping by all of them.  Also if you purchase the New York Pass you will find that most of the zoos mentioned above offer free admission to card holder.

For the child who loves drama, New York City offers many theatrical productions that might suit him or her just fine.  The first is geared towards girls and is American Girl Place.  You can enjoy dining, shopping, and theatre while spending a day with your special little girl.  This is a great bonding experience for mothers and daughters.  The Manhattan Children's Theatre produces several high quality shows for children and families throughout the year at quite reasonable prices (season tickets are also available for those who live nearby). The New Victory Theater offers a different type of theater experience for families to enjoy.  The Paper Bag Players are a must see experience.  They offer a different type of theatre for children that encourages audience participation that gets your children involved in the dramatic process.  If you have the time you should also check out TADA! Youth Theater in order to show your children that even children have talents that need to be explored and can make a difference not only in their own lives but also in the lives of others.

In addition to the great activities mentioned above, there are several children's museums located in New York in addition to other museums that offer exhibitions that may be of interest to your children.  The following museums are well worth checking out even if you decide to seek entertainment elsewhere: Brooklyn Children's Museum, Staten Island Children's Museum, Children's Museum of Manhattan, FDNY Fire Zone, Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art, New York Hall of Science, Sony Wonder Technology Lab, Queens Country Farm Museum, and Ripley's Believe it or Not! Times Square.  There are many more museums in the city that may provide plenty of family entertainment and education but these are some of the most kid-friendly museums in the city.

Shopping is a fun and often educational process that often gets overlooked or even ignored when it comes to children.  However, it would be remiss to mention great family things to do in New York without mentioning some of the wonderful children's retailers that abound in this city.  Books of Wonder is aptly named as it brings back those books that held such wonder for us as children and gives us the chance to share those books with our children.  They have old and rare books as well as many excellent current book selections. New York is also home to the largest Build-A-Bear store in the world, which will make the bear lover in your family's eyes light up with glee.  There's FAO Schwarz, which is a toy store unto itself and almost worth the price of the trip to NYC alone.  Old and young kids alike will enjoy spending an afternoon here.  Toys R Us Times Square is offering up a Dinosaur portion of competition however by bringing in great attraction to get families in the door and buying toys.  Be sure that you let your little ones ride the Ferris wheel and that you get a copy of the photograph as a keepsake.

New York City is gaining a reputation for a much softer far more family oriented side.  Don't let the past reputation of this city prevent you from making this the family vacation destination it could be ideally suited to be.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

M - Making Money with Articles

Making Money with Articles: How Much Can I Make?

How much you can make from placing articles and affiliate links on your website differs from person to person.  How much you are able to make will depend mostly on how successful your site is.  This means getting good search engine rankings through SEO efforts, making your site enjoyable and informative to read through engaging content, building your site around a great niche subject, how big your site is, and how many sites you have.

Some people claim to make as much as $10,000 per month ($120,000 per year) through building and promoting niche sites, however, most people should not expect this kind of success, especially if you are very new, as that kind of success usually only comes with experience and acquired skill.  A reasonable income to expect from a niche site, after you have worked for months to gain traffic and are hooked up with good affiliates, may be $500-$1,000 per month.  However,  this is recurring income so you will make that much monthly off of the efforts you put into that one site, it is not a one shot deal.

After you have a successful site, most choose to continue to build niche sites.  The more sites that you build, the better an income you can generate.  Some also choose to build very fast and very short sites over sites that are slightly longer in length.  It should be noted that the larger each of your sites are, the more income you will likely generate off of them.

When starting out, it is important to remember that your first site will always be your hardest, since you are just learning the ropes of the business, and that not everyone is cut out to market and promote niche sites.  It may not work out for you and you may end up losing a little bit of money, but that is a risk that everyone in this business has to take.

The important thing is that you don’t give up without a good shot at it, if this is really what you want to do. Your first site may take a long time, the work may be tedious, and you may feel like throwing in the towel. However, if you give up too early, you will never know what could have been. And who knows, you may be the next great website marketer!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

L - Learning about Internet Marketing

Learning about Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is not overly complicated but it is also not a process in which anyone can excel without making attempts to learn more about the subject.  Business owners who do not know a great deal about Internet marketing but who wish to implement Internet marketing into their overall marketing strategy should carefully study the basic principles of Internet marketing before launching their online marketing campaign. Fortunately for these business owners there are a variety of options for learning about Internet marketing. These options may include online research, reading published books and studying successful Internet marketing campaigns.

Researching Internet marketing online is one method which can be used for learning more about this topic. This type of research can be very informative and can provide the business owner with a great deal of advice and other information. However, it can also provide the business owner with a great deal of misinformation. When researching any subject online it is very important to note that not all of the information available online is accurate. This may be due to a variety of factors including content which is written by those who do not have a great deal of knowledge about the subject matter as well as content which was written years ago and is outdated. This can be frustrating but fortunately business owners can still learn from the Internet. This just means they should be more cautious about accepting information as being accurate and may wish to verify the information they obtain before implementing an Internet marketing strategy.

Published books are another valuable resource for learning more about Internet marketing. There are a variety of books available which focus on this subject and provide a wealth of useful information. When selecting a book for use as research material it is important to seek out a book which received independent reviews which were positive. It is also important to seek out books which were published recently. This is important because the Internet marketing industry is evolving continuously and a book that was published only a few years ago may be outdated and may lack information on some of the new developments in the industry. The appeal of using published books to learn about Internet marketing is you can keep the books on hand for easy reference when you launch your Internet marketing campaign.

Finally business owners can learn a great deal about Internet marketing simply by studying successful Internet marketing campaigns.  Try the Internet marketing blog at www.jeremyburns.com/blog for some great starter tipe.  If your business offers products and services in a particular niche consider entering relevant terms in popular search engines and studying the websites of some of the highest ranking businesses.  This can provide you with a great deal of insight into what these business owners are doing which may be contributing to their success.  Examining everything from their website design to their search engine optimization strategies and even the content on their website can help you to determine why they are more successful than you.  You should also consider how they are marketing their website which may include banner ads, affiliate marketing programs or other types of advertising.  Armed with this information, you can take the opportunity to implement changes to your own website and marketing strategy which may help you to gain a greater degree of success.  Care should be taken to not copy anything directly from your competitors but to rather try to emulate their degree of success in your own way.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

K - Karma

What is Karma?

Karma is defined as the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation.  Many people believe there is good karma and bad karma depending on the actions they take throughout their lives. 

The law of Karma is basically cause and effect.  All your thoughts and actions that you put out into the world will come back to you in some way.  We have created Karma in our past lives because we have free will and determine what we do.  If we do something bad or harmful we can expect to receive something just the same.

I think this quote sums it up nicely:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Unknown source

Sunday, March 20, 2011

J - Jewelry

Birthstones And Their Meanings

There are a lot of legends and lore surrounding the practice of wearing birthstones.  Many people believe that the idea of wearing birthstones started out as a marketing ploy by companies selling jewelry, but the reason behind the practice is much, much deeper than that.  The practice of wearing birthstones has deep roots in religion and astrology.

The Myths Behind the Practice

One of the earliest stories connected to the practice of wearing birthstones comes from the Christian Bible.  In the book of Exodus, the Breastplate of Aaron is described to have been mounted with twelve precious stones: ruby, topaz, beryl, turquoise, sapphire, emerald, jacinth, agate, amethyst, chrysolite, onyx and jasper.  These twelve stones represented each of the twelve tribes of the Hebrews.

Other ancient cultures, the Hellenics and the Babylonians in particular, have associated certain precious stones with their gods and goddesses, and later on with the planets and the stars represented in astrological signs. These stones were given attributes pertaining to the astrological signs they are linked with, as well as supernatural, protective powers.  To wear the particular gemstone associated with a particular month on that given month is to invoke the protection offered by the power of the stone.

Over time and as Christianity came to rise, the Church tried to downplay astrology in the lives of the flock, and so wearing gemstones came to represent guardian angels and the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ instead.  The idea that gemstones have the power to protect its wearer was nonetheless retained.  However, since only wealthy people can afford owning a different gemstone for each month, most people have adopted the practice of wearing just the gemstone that represents the month of their birth. Since then, these gemstones were referred to as birthstones.

The Meaning behind the Stones

Here are the different birthstones for each month of the Gregorian calendar and the meaning behind these stones.

1. January.  The garnet is the birthstone for the month of January.  The bright red color of the garnet is associated with blood and thus, was thought to bestow good health upon its wearer.  The garnet is also said to provide protection against nightmares and against the dangers posed by being alone in the dark.  A person who favors the garnet is said to possess great patience and the capacity to endure hardships.  This person whose birthstone is the garnet is consistent with his or her deeds and is blessed with a creative mind.

2. February.  A person born on the month of February has the amethyst for his or her birthstone.  Amethyst is said to bestow, among other things, peace and clarity of the mind to its wearer.  This gem also brings him or her a heightened sense of self-awareness and intuition.

3. March.  For the person born in March, aquamarine is his or her birthstone.  This stone is said to nurture friendliness in its wearer’s personality, making him or her a fierce and loyal comrade and companion.  Because of its sea-blue color, the aquamarine is said to grant its wearer protection when he or she goes swimming traveling by water.

4. April. The diamond, the stone of strength, longevity and innocence, is the birthstone of people born in April. Because the diamond is the hardest gemstone, it symbolizes success and excellence, and is believed to bring forth good fortune.  The diamond is also said to bring forth the purity of its wearer and encourages him or her to be truthful always.

5. May.  The birthstone of people born in May is the gemstone of peace and healing – the emerald.  It is believed that wearers of emeralds are granted good health and protection against illness.  Wearers of emeralds are also said to have a higher level of foresight and possess the ability to communicate well with others.

6. June.  Pearls, produced by oysters and therefore the only gemstones that came from a living creature, is the birthstone of people born in June.  June is the month of weddings in the Western world, and so the pearl has come to be associated with successful marriages, as well as with faith, loyalty and tranquility in life.

7. July.  The sanguine ruby is the birthstone for July.  Because of its blood-red color, the ruby is considered to be the gemstone for courage, strength and vitality.  It is also said to nurture in its wearer integrity and contentment in his- or herself.  The ruby is also said to inspire people to seek harmony with others.

8. August.  People born in August have the peridot as their birthstone.  The peridot is said to bestow a heightened sense of dignity upon its wearer, and to bring upon him or her good fortune.  It is also believed to provide its wearer protection against evil intentions and against the terrors of the night.

9. September.  Sapphire is the birthstone of September.  It is a gemstone that is thought to build wisdom and clarity of thought in its wearer, as well as allow him or her the discernment to see truth no matter how deeply it is buried.  The sapphire also inspires its wearer to develop serenity and tranquility in his or her soul.

10. October.  The birthstone for October is the opal.  The opal, with its varying colors, is associated with depth in emotions.  A person who wears the opal is granted the ability to feel deeply for his or her fellow person, to look at life with hope and to burn subtly with an inner fire.

11. November.  Topaz, the birthstone for the month of November, is a gemstone that represents health in body as well as health in mind.  Wearing the topaz is said to hasten a person’s ability to heal his or her own body in times of illness or injury.  It is also thought to nurture practicality and creativity in its wearer.

12. December.  Wearing the turquoise, the birthstone of December, is believed to bring luck and prosperity to its wearer in time for the coming New Year.  The turquoise is also said to banish negative vibrations that can hinder the wearer’s happiness and good fortune.

The practice of wearing birthstones goes deeper beyond any marketing ploy.  It is a practice that has ancient origins, with deep roots in religion and astrology.  Birthstones are versatile gifts to give on any season or occasion. Giving birthstones to loved ones shows caring and deep regard.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I - Investing Basics

Investing Basics – What Are Your Investment Goals

When it comes to investing, many first time investors want to jump right in with both feet.  Unfortunately, very few of those investors are successful.  Investing in anything requires some degree of skill.  It is important to remember that few investments are a sure thing – there is the risk of losing your money!

Before you jump right in, it is better to not only find out more about investing and how it all works, but also to determine what your goals are.  What do you hope to achieve with your investments?  Will you be funding a college education?  Buying a home?  Retiring?  Before you invest a single penny, really think about what you hope to achieve with that investment.  Knowing what your goal is will help you make smarter investment decisions along the way!

Too often, people invest money with dreams of becoming rich overnight.  This is possible – but it is also rare. It is usually a very bad idea to start investing with hopes of becoming rich overnight.  It is safer to invest your money in such a way that it will grow slowly over time, and be used for retirement or a child’s education. However, if your investment goal is to get rich quick, you should learn as much about high-yield, short term investing as you possibly can before you invest.

You should strongly consider talking to a financial planner before making any investments.  Your financial planner can help you determine what type of investing you must do to reach the financial goals that you have set.  He or she can give you realistic information as to what kind of returns you can expect and how long it will take to reach your specific goals.

Again, remember that investing requires more than calling a broker and telling them that you want to buy stocks or bonds.  It takes a certain amount of research and knowledge about the market if you hope to invest successfully.

Monday, March 14, 2011

H - Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

10 ways to be happy

1.   Smile.  Even if you don't feel like it.  It releases a chemical in the brain called serotonin which is known as the "happiness hormone"  and will instantly give your mood a lift.

2.  Indulge in a piece or two (or five) of dark chocolate.  It is heart healthy and will make you feel better.

3.  Get enough sleep.  You should aim to get at least 7 or 8 hours per night.  This will leave you feeling fresh and energized all day.

4.   Gratitude is a key aspect of living a happy life.  Make a list of all the things you are thankful for and you will see you are happier than you thought.

5.  Surround yourself with happy, positive people.  People who share your values, goals and dreams and you will see that happiness is contagious.

6.   Unplug.  Your cellphone, computer, tv and ipods and just take time to relax and meditate or do yoga.  Clear the clutter technology brings us.  We have all become so dependent on these things and want instant gratification that we forget how to unwind and just take a few moments to just be.

7.  Do a random act of kindness for a complete stranger.  It doesn't have to be anything elaborate but knowing you helped someone out in some way will put a smile on your face and in your heart all day.

8.  Watch your favorite tv show (or guilty pleasure) .  My favorite is Supernatural.  Watching Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins ALWAYS makes me happy.

9.  Learn to let things go.  Don't waste another minute on things that are beyond your control.  It's hard but you can do it.

10.  Love who you are.  No matter what shape, size or weight you are.  You are special and deserve all the happiness in the world.  

Friday, March 11, 2011

G - Google Adsense

The Basics On How TO Start Making Money With  Google Adsense

Adsense is considered as one of the most powerful tools in a website publisher’s arsenal.  It enables a person to monetize their sites easily.  If used properly, it can generate a very large and healthy income for them. However, if you are not using it right and just maximizing the income you squeeze from it, you are actually leaving a lot of money on the table. Something all people hate doing.

How you can start earning money with Adsense can be done easily and quickly.  You will be amazed at the results you will be getting in such a short period of time.

Start by writing some quality content articles which are also keyword incorporated.  There are a lot of people given the gift of being good with words. Writing comes easy for them. Why not make it work in such a way that you will be earning some extra cash in the process.

There are actually three steps to put into mind before you begin writing your ads and having an effective Adsense.

Keyword search.  Find some popular subjects, keywords or phrase.  Select the ones which you think have more people clicking through.  This is actually a keyword selector and suggestion tool that some sites are offering to those who are just their Adsense business.

Writing articles.  Start writing original content with keywords from the topics that you have achieved in your search.  Take note that search engines are taking pride in the quality of their articles and what you will be writing should keep up with their demands.

Quality content site.  Build a quality content site incorporated with Adsense ads that is targeting the subject and keywords of your articles and websites.  This is where all that you’ve done initially will go to and this is also where they will prove their worth to you.

The proper positioning of your ads should be done with care.  Try to position your ads where surfers are most likely to click on them.  According to research, the one place that surfers look first when they visit a certain site is the top left.  The reason behind this is not known.  Maybe it is because some of the most useful search engine results are at the top of all other rankings.  So visitors tend to look in that same place when browsing through other sites.

Some of those who are just starting at this business may think they are doing pretty well already and thinking that their clickthrough rates and CPM figures are quite healthy.  However, there are more techniques and styles to generate more clicks to double your earnings.  By knowing these techniques and working them to your advantage, you will realize that you will be getting three times more than other people who have been previously doing what they are doing.

Finally, Adsense has some excellent tracking statistics that allows webmasters and publishers to track their results across a number of site on a site by site, page by page, or any other basis you wanted.  You should be aware of this capability and make the most of it because it is one powerful tool that will help you find out which ads are performing best.  This way, you can fine tune your Adsense ads and focus more on the ones being visited the most rather than those who are being ignored.

Another thing you should know.  Banners and skyscrapers are dead.  Ask the experts.  So better forget about banners and skyscrapers.  Surfers universally ignore these kinds of ad formats.  The reason behind this is that they are recognized as an advert and advert are rarely of any interest that’s why people ignore them.

To really start making money with Adsense, you should have a definite focus on what you wanted to achieve and how you will go about achieving them.  As with any other kind of business ventures, time is needed coupled with patience.

Do not just ignore your site and your Adsense once you have finished accomplishing them.  Spare some time, even an hour, making adjustments to the Adsense ads on your sites to quickly trigger your Adsense income.

Give it a try and you would not regret having gotten into Adsense in the first place.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

F - Fishing

“Fishing Kit Basics”

Before going deeper into the technicalities, make sure that a fishing license is secured.  To be an amateur fisherman there are basic pieces of fishing equipment needed to complete your exciting journey in the fishing world.  Knowing the line type and matching the right rod and reel to the fishing technique is just basic common sense.  Match these tools appropriately and expect a more enjoyable experience for a more comfortable fishing.  There are several things that causes the reel to turn into a bird's nest, don't worry, even experienced fishermen encounter this every now and then. 

The main objective is to match the rod, the reel, the line and the lure.  These will only cost a newbie around $25 to $40 and they could last for years.  The 3 main issues when shopping for a rod are:  Guides that are attached to the rod; Grip or handle holds the rod and could come in either cork or foam.  They come in different lengths so the comfort to the user must be considered; and the reel seat where the reel is connected.

Dealers make a lot of fishing rods that could either be single or consist of two or more pieces when assembled.  The connection is very simple; just connect the male and female ends together to make sure the guides are lined up.  This would only last for a minutes.  Sometimes, lubricants are needed.  When shopping for a rod, slightly bend it to get the feel of it.  Again comfort should be considered when using the equipment.

Rods of any type will work.  It should be around 6' long and medium weight.  Even a long stick will work.  This should be long, straight and flexible so it will not easily break.  The most popular rod is Graphite because it is so light yet so strong.  Wispy rods should be up to 4m long to be used for long casts in moderate winds.

There are a lot of fishing lines to choose from and it can be very confusing to find the best.  It is mostly made of nylon and "monofilament" that comes in spools of different lengths that are called Tests.  The larger the fishing line the thicker it is in diameter.  Find a piece of a 4lb. or 4 lb. Test that is almost 10' long for the basic rig. 

The basic rule is that all the gears should match. To summarize your fishing kit, it should include other stuff as well: net, stringer, line clippers, fishing knife, first aid box, a pail of bait, sunglasses, fishing hat, and talking about the basics, don't forget your SNACKS!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

E - Exercise

25 Ways Get 10 Mins Of Fitness Exercise

Experts recommend working out 45 minutes to an hour a day (30 minutes for beginners) for weight loss and fitness. But if you're like most women, you don't always have a block of 30 to 60 minutes a day to devote exclusively to doing your workouts.

You can still exercise--you just need to sneak in the equivalent in resourceful ways . "The idea is to keep moving," says fitness expert Ann Grandjean, EdD.  "Get a cordless phone or put a long cord on your regular phone, and walk when you talk.  Find whatever works for you and just move.  Park half a mile from the mall and walk.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Those little, itty-bitty things add up."

Every Stolen Moment Adds Up

Lest you think that short bursts of activity have a negligible effect on your fitness program, think again.  One study found that women who split their exercise into 10-minute increments were more likely to exercise consistently, and lost more weight after 5 months, than women who exercised for 20 to 40 minutes at a time.

In a landmark study conducted at the University of Virginia, exercise physiologist Glenn Gaesser, PhD, asked men and women to complete 15 10-minute exercise routines a week.  After just 21 days, the volunteers' aerobic fitness was equal to that of people 10 to 15 years younger.  Their strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility were equal to those of people up to 20 years their junior.

In yet another study, researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore found that for improving health and fitness in inactive adults, many short bursts of activity are as effective as longer, structured workouts.  "It would be useful for people to get out of the all-or-nothing mind-set that unless they exercise for 30 minutes, they're wasting their time," says Gaesser.

Breaking exercise into small chunks on your overscheduled days can also keep your confidence up, says Harold Taylor, time management expert and owner of Harold Taylor Time Consultants in Toronto, who has written extensively on the subject. "Skipping exercise altogether is 'de-motivational'--you feel depressed and guilty," Taylor says. "If you skip it, you tend to figure, 'What's the use? I can't keep up with it anyway.'  Yet as long as you make some effort each day, that motivates you onward.  Success breeds success."